Beautiful couple for 3 years: 24-year-old beautiful wife of Cassel posted candid shots

 Beautiful couple for 3 years: 24-year-old beautiful wife of Cassel posted candid shots

Despite the age difference, they managed to build a strong family.

Tina Kunakey, 24, and Vincent Cassel, 54, have been together since 2017. In 2018, the couple arranged a magnificent wedding in the company of close people. Despite the age difference, they managed to build a strong family and even give birth to a wonderful baby in 2019.

On her third wedding anniversary, Tina shared very warm and personal pictures with her husband in which she expressed her great love for her husband. Vincent also made an exception and confessed his feelings to the girl.

It is worth noting that Tina is a model and collaborates with brands such as Louis Vuitton, Dior and others, and Cassel, most likely, does not need to be introduced to anyone.

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