This wonderful, brave and fearless cat was able to drive the fox out of his yard and thus showed his essence

 This wonderful, brave and fearless cat was able to drive the fox out of his yard and thus showed his essence

It is only necessary to see how brave this cat becomes, when he sees a fox.

This Norwegian forest cat, living with his owner, had the opportunity to deal with the fox, who allowed himself to invade his territory.

These wonderful photos were taken by his owner Evy Hind.

The brave cat Leon drove the fox out of his yard, showing his feline nature

A cat named Leon was resting in the yard, not far from the balcony, when he noticed a fox approaching the house. “Foxes often come to our yard”,-says Hind.

The brave cat Leon drove the fox out of his yard, showing his feline nature

“When he saw the intruder, he immediately turned from an ordinary cat into a terrible lion”, the woman said. It is clear that the fox was not in the mood for an unpleasant meeting and quickly ran away.

The brave cat Leon drove the fox out of his yard, showing his feline nature

“The most interesting thing is that the fox was slightly larger than my Leon, but did not mix with him, realizing that it was better to stay away from him.”

Leon is a Norwegian forest cat with a free-spirited disposition and self-respect.

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