«Dads are already old and their children are handsome»: these are the sons of famous actors

 «Dads are already old and their children are handsome»: these are the sons of famous actors

Fathers will soon retire, but their sons now look very cool.

Many Hollywood actors have very attractive sons. Fathers will soon retire, but their offspring now look so great that they have many fans. Let’s look at them and see if they are very similar to their star fathers.

Patrick Schwarzenegger

Arnold, as everyone knows, is five children. Of course, each of them took something from his father. But only one child seemed to inherit from his parents all the best, Arnold’s character and Maria Schweyer’s appearance. This, of course, is about Patrick. He decided to follow the same path as his father. He also manages his own brand of clothing since the age of 15.

Milo Gibson

Mel Gibson-father of nine children. He even has a son from the Russian pianist Oksana Grigoryeva. His son Milo was born at the nurse Robin Moore. Milo decided to become an actor, for the first time taking part in the film of his father.

Rafferty Law

Jude Lowe father of 5 children. His daughter Iris and son Rafferty are the most popular. Rafferty says every chance of becoming better than his father. It seems that he took the best from the appearance of his father and mother, Sadie Frost.

It is officially known that Jack Nicholson has five children from four different women. But there are rumors that he actually has much more heirs, he just does not advertise them. Rebecca Brussar gave birth to two children to him: Lorrain and Raymond. By the way, the latter was born when his father was already 55 years old. Unfortunately, Raymond was not lucky with an acting career.

Chester Hanks

Of course, everyone knows the son of Tom Hanks Colin, whom the first wife of Samantha Lewis actor gave birth to. But we cannot but tell about Chester. He was born from the second marriage of the actor with Rita Wilson, who lasted more than 30 years. The young man has an incredibly attractive appearance, thanks to which he has many fans. Now he is engaged in the upbringing of her daughter.

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