The poor dog has a long way to go to meet the marine who helped him

 The poor dog has a long way to go to meet the marine who helped him

This poor dog was sure than someone would help him.

Dogs are very faithful. They are always stay with their owners.

In this story, a dog was abandoned in Iraq.

Stray dog from Iraq follows the marine over 70 miles to prove they are meant to be together

A man, Brian Dennis, saw the dog while serving there.

The dog was very happy. Brian fed him. He later named him Nubs.

Stray dog from Iraq follows the marine over 70 miles to prove they are meant to be together

Brian Dennis healed the dog’s wounds.

Unfortunately, they had to separate because Dennis had to move. He couldn’t take the dog with him.

The dog had to go a long way to meet his beloved Dennis.

Stray dog from Iraq follows the marine over 70 miles to prove they are meant to be together

He decided to send him to the US until he went there.

A month later, Dennis went to the US.

Nabs died, but the love Dennis gave him comforted him.

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