Funny scene: cute little kittens immediately wake up when they hear the sound of chocolate paper

 Funny scene: cute little kittens immediately wake up when they hear the sound of chocolate paper

When the woman is trying to eat the chocolate, all of the kittens are waking up at once.

Sam Mannell adopted four kittens into his family.

These cute creatures seem very different not only in appearance, but also in behavior.

Sleeping adorable kittens wake up when they hear a bar of chocolate being opened

The siblings love Mannell’s house. They are fun to watch.

Sleeping adorable kittens wake up when they hear a bar of chocolate being opened

They found the coach in which Mannell likes to spend time. When they got tired, the kittens immediately fell asleep.

The woman decided to enjoy their wonderful sleep and took a chocolate bar for a bite to eat. When she tries to open it, all the little creatures immediately wake up. Although they are newborns, they already know the sound of food.

Sleeping adorable kittens wake up when they hear a bar of chocolate being opened

Of course, Mannell didn’t feed them chocolate. When the kitties realized that the woman would not share the chocolate, they fell asleep again.

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