It’s time to stop buying tangerines from the stores as now you can grow them on your own! 🍊🪴 Would you like to enjoy the pesticide-free, chemical-free and fresh tangerines straight from your home all year long? 🤩👍 If so, I have brought an easy way how you can grow a tangerine tree even in limited spaces and will share it with you too in this article! 👇
Growing tangerines indoors is a fantastic option for gardening enthusiasts or anyone eager to enjoy pesticide-free, chemical-free fruits straight from their own home.
While many may not realize it, cultivating tangerines indoors is entirely possible, even in limited space. Keep in mind, though, that the height of a tangerine tree can grow up to two meters.

Beyond its visual appeal, the tangerine tree also brings a delightful fragrance to your home. The fruit is packed with vitamins C and B, as well as carotene and citric acid. Here’s how you can successfully grow tangerines in pots.
Start by obtaining tangerine seeds and washing them thoroughly to remove any leftover fruit pulp.
It’s best to choose seeds from very ripe tangerines. Once cleaned, dry the seeds with a paper towel.
Your pot should be about 30 centimeters deep, and the soil should be of high quality, rich in essential macro- and micro-nutrients.
Plant the seeds about 3 centimeters deep, and lightly moisten the soil. Germination will take anywhere from 3 to 4 weeks.
Place the pot in a sunny corner of your home. While tangerine trees are resilient to low temperatures, they do require ample sunlight to thrive.
Tangerines need a substantial amount of water. It’s also crucial to ensure proper drainage for the plant.
Water the plant about three times a week during the initial weeks, and then whenever the soil feels dry.

By following these steps, you can enjoy fresh tangerines all year round, even from the comfort of your own home!