Incredible story: robbers wanted to deprive the 77-year-old woman of money, but then they regretted it

The robbers decided that they could easily deprive the 77-year-old woman.

For each of us, grandparents are one of the closest and most beloved people on earth.

Who else, if not a grandmother, will take care of how and how much you eat, ask how you are, will take an interest in success at school, institute and at work.

Three robbers tried to deprive a 77-year-old women of money and a few seconds later regretted it

Who, if not grandfather, will show how to handle tools or tell a funny story from life, sharing the experience of past years.

But we all remember very well from childhood that beloved grandparents are better not to angry. Otherwise, there will be bad luck.

And it was about this main rule that three men forgot. They decided that they could easily deprive the 77-year-old Winifred saw.

While the woman, going to the ATM, introduced the PIN code to withdraw money, the unknown came up behind.

She immediately noticed him, but did not become indignant. It ended in the fact that two more guys approached her, threw her to the ground, and the third took up the withdrawal of cash from her account.

Three robbers tried to deprive a 77-year-old women of money and a few seconds later regretted it

The thieves believed too early in success and switched to an ATM. At this time, Winifred managed to quickly get to her feet and immediately began decisive actions, not wanting to fall into the hands of attackers.

She attacked from behind and, grabbing one of the guys by the collar, with force she rested her head at the ATM.

The guys were clearly not ready for such a reaction. So the two remaining did not attack the old woman again, and scattered in a panic.

While their partner managed to free himself, a brisk grandmother at least three more times ensured his face to meet with the screen of an ATM.

Immediately after the incident, Winifred turned to the police, describing everything in detail. By evening, criminals were detained.

Three robbers tried to deprive a 77-year-old women of money and a few seconds later regretted it

It was possible to find and prosecute criminals so quickly thanks to the traces that the woman applied to one of them.

None of the three pleaded guilty. As it turned out, the guys from the hinterland came to the city to earn extra money. But honest work was not for them.

As for Winiferd, then, unfortunately, she is now afraid of a repetition of the situation and claims that he is unlikely to ever feel safe. The woman grew up in a family where, besides her, there were four older brothers. And in her youth, she regularly visited the gym, which helped her quickly deal with thieves.

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