Incredible story: this baby weighed just over 200 grams when he was born, but the doctors saved him

 Incredible story: this baby weighed just over 200 grams when he was born, but the doctors saved him

This boy was the size of a large onion when he was born.

The world’s tiniest premature baby survived and returned home five months later.

This baby weighed just over 200 grams when he was born, but the doctors did the impossible

The baby was born at the 24th week of pregnancy in one of the Tokyo maternity hospitals, in September 2018, his weight at that time was only 268 grams, and his height was 22 centimeters.

It was the size of a large onion. The hospital gave him the nickname “mini-miracle”. Japanese doctors did not give any chance of survival, but did everything possible to save him.

This baby weighed just over 200 grams when he was born, but the doctors did the impossible

He was immediately placed in an incubator – an apparatus for premature babies.

Then the baby was fed through a tube, and now he has completely switched to breastfeeding. During the five months that Ryusuke was in the hospital, his mother pumped her milk, and the doctors soaked tampons with it and brought it to the baby’s mouth so that he could receive useful substances.

The mother of the baby admits that it was the most difficult period in her life. She herself did not believe that the child could survive, but she prayed all the time.

This baby weighed just over 200 grams when he was born, but the doctors did the impossible

The woman could not even touch her son, he had completely transparent skin. And when extra grams began to appear on the scales, my mother was beside herself with happiness.

Everything ended well. According to doctors, the baby developed no worse than full-term babies.

This baby weighed just over 200 grams when he was born, but the doctors did the impossible

After five months of persistent treatment and nursing, the child was discharged from the hospital with a weight of 3.2 kg, the weight of a normal newborn.

Now nothing threatens his health, he is a completely normal child.

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