Killer whales were sighted during a whale watching tour between the Hokkaido and Kunashir Islands

 Killer whales were sighted during a whale watching tour between the Hokkaido and Kunashir Islands

In Japan, two wonderful and rare killer whales were suddenly noticed.

According to an employee of the travel company, a few years ago, one of the killers was spotted off the coast of Japan, and now a young one has joined him.

A pair of rare and amazing white killer whales spotted off the coast of Japan

In the case of mutation, animals have a partial loss of pigmentation.

Leucism is sometimes confused with albinism, but unlike albinism, leucism lacks pigment cells altogether.

While albinism only affects melanin, leucism results in a decrease in all types of pigments.

Zoologists said that there are five white killer whales in the world.

A pair of rare and amazing white killer whales spotted off the coast of Japan

Scientists speculate it could be due to declining numbers, a sign that the species is in trouble.

A pair of rare and amazing white killer whales spotted off the coast of Japan

This results in rare genetic disorders that prevent animals from surviving in the wild.

The leucism may interfere with their hunting abilities.

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