
Unexpected bond between a dog and an opossum: the dog

The little opossum accepts the dog as his mother. Opossums are nocturnal animals. Unfortunately, because of their nocturnal activity, they run the risk of getting hit by cars. Unfortunately, that’s exactly what happened in this story. After a car accident, the possum’s mother dies, but her baby survives. Rescuers decide to take the orphaned baby […]Read More

Positive stories

The poor dog has a long way to go to

This poor dog was sure than someone would help him. Dogs are very faithful. They are always stay with their owners. In this story, a dog was abandoned in Iraq. A man, Brian Dennis, saw the dog while serving there. The dog was very happy. Brian fed him. He later named him Nubs. Brian Dennis […]Read More


Even this giant animal can cry in front of people

The heartbreaking story of this emotional elephant spread online several years ago. Animal lovers the world over are thankful that after 50 years of captivity, an elephant named Raju has finally been freed from his chains. The unfortunate elephant was just a calf when he was stolen from the wild and kept as a recreational […]Read More


A cute miracle: this rabbit was born without ears, but

The most beautiful rabbit has gathered many fans due to her appearance. Usually rabbits have long ears. They must be unrecognizable without ears. Leo – the most beautiful rabbit born without ears. Experts say he has a rare genetic disorder. When her owner first saw the newborn girl, she had no idea that the animal […]Read More


The angry appearance of this cat does not fully correspond

People should not immediately judge this cat by her appearance. If people think that most cats are selfish and complain, it means that they haven’t seen Meow Meow the cat with a very angry expression. Cats are used to cuddling with us when their stomachs are full. This cat actually gets a lot of love […]Read More

Positive stories

The poor cat has to adapt to the shelter and

After living with kind owners, this cat separates from them. Orion is cat who lived with his owners. Orion was connected to his human family. But fate separated him from his family. The first period of life without his owners was the most difficult time. Orion received a lot of love at the shelter, but […]Read More

Positive stories

The caring woman decides to take care of 2 cats

Thanks this woman who didn’t left cats alone and abandoned. Paris is a shelter worker that has a special love for stray cats. Knowing that he would love a new stray cat named Dan, the shelter staff introduced her beautiful cat. It was love at first sight. So Paris immediately bonded with him and became […]Read More