
This wonderful dog did not want to take his paw

The dog got excited to see his new owner and kept his paw on his arm. Adopting a dog from a shelter to a new home is nothing short of a special, touching moment. Dogs smile at the person who decides to give them an eternal home. In this story, a dog-Stanley was found with […]Read More


This cougar has moved from the zoo not to wild

It’s hard to believe in, but this cougar lives in a small apartment. It’s hard to believe, in Russia, Alexander and Maria Dmitriev keep cougar named Messi in their apartment. Sarah first noticed the baby in the Saransk Zoo. The cub was one of three cubs born at the zoo. Messi was suffering from a […]Read More

Positive stories

Here is how the boy wakes up the deaf and

The man found the best option to wake up his friend by blowing on her face. Do you need something charming or beautiful in your life? Well, here is a heartbreaking story about a deaf, partially blind dog that is most likely to touch you. Unfortunately, she was born with defects, and caring for her […]Read More


A wonderful and commendable move by this family: they saved

Theses family members over the years of work were able to save many bear cubs. The Pazhetnov family lives in Russia. Many praised them for having found the world’s best method of rescuing and treating orphaned cubs. At the beginning of this duty is the father of the Pazhetnov family. Back in the 1970s, he […]Read More


Only after the appearance of this wonderful and cute little

Surprisingly, it was this hedgehog who helped the doctor find his calling. The veterinarian Massimo loves animals very much but he did not consider himself a happy person. He did not receive a decent salary for his work, so Massimo immediately worked in several hospitals to help relatives, feed himself and his wife. The man […]Read More