
Famous Betty White feeds bear marshmallows at the Los Angeles

This woman’s love for animals is truly commendable. Renowned actress, host Betty White, who is 99 years old, is still cheerful, beautiful, and full of life. She is considered one of the most famous and beloved actresses. The actress was born in Illinois and moved to Los Angeles. His first show was “Life with Elizabeth.” […]Read More


Stunning look: this eagle looks like a man dressed as

This giant eagle will really amaze you with its beauty. Birds have a unique freedom compared to other animals because they soar in the great outdoors. Among birds there are some species that are very dangerous, such as eagles. The eagle of this species, the Harpy Eagle, is the largest of the birds and weighs […]Read More


A wheelchair has finally been made for this giant disabled

Special thanks to people who made wheelchair for this poor turtle. Animals with diseases have difficult life. They have to live their lives with pain and uncomfortable conditions. Fortunately, there are kind people who think of animals with handicaps. Like this huge turtle who can’t keep his 70-pound body on its feet. The turtle was […]Read More


Police officers rescue a dog from hot car after his

Special thanks to these policemen who were able to save this dog from the hot car. Temperatures rise in the summer, and it is important to use air conditioning and other items to cool down. Thus, every year we hear of many deaths of pets from hot. Thanks to bystanders and police officers, some deaths […]Read More


This kind man helps the little moose cross the street

This man who notices the little moose and  helps him cross the dangerous highway. Sometimes humanity and animals find themselves in the same place, crossing each other’s boundaries. While driving along the Anchorage Highway in Alaska, a man spotted a moose baby struggling to get through the road’s guard rails. In fact, it was dangerous. […]Read More


This kind store owner lets the dog come into the

Special thanks to the store clerk for allowing the dog to relax in the market. Stray animals have a hard life. When it’s cold outside, they find shelter to keep warm, and when it’s very hot, they look for a place to cool off. But in this story, a store employee lets a stray dog […]Read More


This policeman spent a whole night at the shelter so

Thanks to a good policeman, this poor dog is already feeling well. Police officers are real heroes who, risking their lives, save ours. But they have a heart not only for people, but also for other living creatures. One early morning, when the shift was over the policeman Kareem found a lost puppy while patrolling […]Read More