
It is unbelievable that husky runs away from home to

 It is interesting when different animals become so loyal that they spend almost a year together. Sometimes loyal human dogs become good friends with other animals. One day a dog named Koda left the house and never returned! Rachel Howatt was constantly looking for her husky but could not find it. She did not hope […]Read More


It is a very beautiful scene when a child tries

Little Finn and their dog have become very loyal friends. Before she had a baby, Paige Knudson adopted a dog because she knew what a special bond dogs and children had. Pets are better than friends, the dog was always with Paige’s. When Paige’s baby, Finn, was born, the dog did not go far from […]Read More


The woman rescues the little elephant and keeps it as

The elephant became a real pet for the woman who saved him. There are people who want to keep pets in the house that are not considered pets. Roxy Dankwerts has a 14-month-old baby elephant. As incomprehensible as this may be, this woman has been caring for orphaned animals for almost 20 years. Roxy does […]Read More


The Golden Retriever with a spot on his muzzle attracts

There is nothing to prevent a Golden Retriever from being like all dogs. Dogs are wonderful and each of them has a unique attraction in it. Here’s Enzo, the exciting Golden Retriever! Such dogs are very look like each other, but Enzo has a peculiarity. This dog has a mark on his face from birth. […]Read More


Thanks to kind people, the orca gets a second life.

After 6 hours of torment, people manage to save the whale. No one would have ever thought that he could meet a giant mammal while sailing in the rocks. A similar incident took place on the island of Alaska. A group of sailors on a cruise ship suddenly spotted a large orchard of about 20 […]Read More


A woman found a small cat in a garbage bag.

The little cat escapes from the cold streets and lives in a good and kind family. Alina Martins, who lived in Rio de Janeiro, once was walking with her dog and suddenly saw a bag with something moving in it. At first she did not pay attention to it, she thought the wind was moving […]Read More


One woman saw two abandoned dogs on the street and

At the same time a sad and happy story about 2 blind dogs. One day a girl named Diane saw two abandoned lean dogs on the street eating from a dumpster. Even in that state, the girl immediately understood the breed of dogs – the English Pointers. Diana could not leave the dogs so abandoned. […]Read More