“Lips disappeared, wrinkles come”. Fans can’t recognize Angelina Jolie

 “Lips disappeared, wrinkles come”. Fans can’t recognize Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie deserves all the best words not only as a very talented actress but also as a good human. She is 48 years old now, but still cares the status of the hottest and sexy actress of Hollywood.

She has millions of fans and followers throughout the world. And all her steps are at the top of observations from the paparazzi, fans, haters and users of the Net.

The last walking of mother and daughter shocked most of the followers, cause her aging is vivid. Narrow lips and wrinkled face is something unexpected for most of them.

But true fans thinks that there is nothing special. “Angelina soon will be 50, it’s normal”, “Who cares about her lips? She is miss perfect anyway”, “Oh, come on, she is superwoman for all the times”, “It’s normal to get old, especially without any plastic surgeries or interventions”.

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