The alligator attacked the dog, who wanted to protect a duck he survived.
Labrador named Beauty loves ducks. She always runs to them for a walk.
Labrador Retrievers are very social and can play with anyone.
The dog loves birds so much that he is not afraid to stand in the middle of an alligator near his home.
The dog was seriously injured, but his life is not in danger.
The Roberts family lives in Florida. Their Labrador has grown up with domestic ducks and is accustomed to such company.
But ducks don’t like to play with a big dog.
Once, during another walk to the lake, the owner of Beauty heard a terrible noise.
The woman saw her dog standing among the alligator and duck.
Although the alligator attacked the dog, she miraculously survived.
Veterinarians operated on a broken leg, inserted a metal rod there.
Now Beauty has already run.
The whole family is looking forward to the return of their tailed heroine.
But they want to catch an alligator.
This is the responsibility of the Florida Wildlife Commission.