Pensioner admits he quits golf because of his poor eyesight and what his wife suggests leaves him speechless later

 Pensioner admits he quits golf because of his poor eyesight and what his wife suggests leaves him speechless later

The funniest story you have heard recently! See the article and try not to burst into laughter!

One day, a golfer(90) tells his wife that he is about to quit the game he has always been passionate about. The woman gets surprised and wonders what the reason was. The pensioner admits that his eyesight is betraying him.

He can’t see the ball after he hits it which makes him think about quitting his hobby. The wife doesn’t get confused and considers other options. She advises him to go with her brother. She explains that he is 103 years old,yet, surprisingly, his eyesight is perfect.

The man happily agrees and soon invites her brother to play together. When he hits the ball, he asks him whether he saw where it went. The man replies «Yes. I perfectly saw that!» and then when the 80-year-old asks «So where did it go?», he replies «I don’t remember».


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