Ten wonderful celebrity artists who are over eighty but still making movies

 Ten wonderful celebrity artists who are over eighty but still making movies

This compilation contains famous artists who are all over 80.

We all remember such famous actors as Kim Novak, Pierre-Richard, Christopher Lloyd, Shirley MacLaine and others. At one time they took the lead roles in the best films. Projects with their participation were cult, some of them are still on television. However, time does not stand still, and these artists are already over 80 years old. Although this does not stop them from continuing to act in films.

This compilation contains famous artists who are all over 80, but they have not gone into “retirement”, and then continue to go to filming movies and other events.

Donald Sutherland, 86

Donald is a real hard worker. In his youth, he played in many films, but even now he does not lag behind and still works hard on the set.

Michael Caine, 89

Michael’s filmography includes more than 160 film projects. But this is not the limit of the artist, as he continues to act in films, and we will see more than one of his works.

Philip Anthony Hopkins, 84

Many Hopkins fans will remember him as Hannibal Lecter. Now the actor is already over 80, and he still continues to work and act in films.

Christopher Allen Lloyd, 83

The actor was very remembered after the line of films “Back to the Future”. But he has many other works to his credit, for example, the films “Interstate 60”, “Who Framed Roger Rabbit”, etc. Now Christopher is working on two new projects at once, which will appear on the screens soon.

Claudia Cardinale, 84 years old

65 years ago, Claudia became the winner of the competition and won the title of the most beautiful Italian woman in Tunisia. In addition to the title, she won the opportunity to go to Italy, where her acting career began. There she signed her first contract. Claudia has gained popularity both in Europe and abroad. And until now, the actress is acting in films.

Pierre-Richard Maurice Charles Leopold Defays, 87

Film actor from France, starred in such films as “Le grand blond avec une chaussure noire”, “Le Jouet”, “Le coup du parapluie” and others. Last year, in August, the artist turned 87 years old, but he will soon turn 88 Although the age is already quite advanced, Richard is not going to leave the acting sphere. Filming is already underway with his participation, and a popular film about Asterix and Obelix will be released next year.

Harvey Keitel, 83

This artist often played tough guys. For example, not so long ago, Harvey starred in the title role in the film Lansky. And he plans to participate in many more works.

Shirley MacLaine, 88 years old

The actress constantly gets the role of strong-willed women. In the acting field, she began to develop since 1955. At the same time, Shirley is not only a wonderful actress, she also knows how to sing and has a writing talent. The artist is still working.

Woody Allen, 86 years old

Woody is an actor, film director and producer rolled into one. Despite his age, he did not retire, but continued to work diligently. There is a possibility that his new work, a drama similar to the film “Match Point”, will be released soon.

Nicholas King Nolte, 81

Nick gained great fame after his role in the film “48 Hrs”, in which he took part with Eddie Murphy. At the same time, the Actor plays well both in dramas and comedies.

What do you think, can age interfere with the work of an actor?

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