The attention of people was attracted by the image of a phoenix, the truth about which turned out to be unexpected

 The attention of people was attracted by the image of a phoenix, the truth about which turned out to be unexpected

People brought a bird that looked like a hero from fairy tales.

A bird that looks like a fairy tale hero was brought to one of the British clinics. She was bright orange and her feathers were like fire.

People said they saw him near the road. They came closer and saw that it looked like a phoenix from a fairy tale. She could not get out, as if something was stopping her, then people decided to help. She was carefully picked up and taken to the clinic.

Photos of a living Phoenix bird “blew up” the Internet, but the truth about it was revealed unexpectedly

Doctors were shocked when they saw the mythical creature in the emergency room. At first they were confused and did not know what to do.

Firstly, the bird should be washed, and secondly, carefully inspected for the presence or absence of damage.

Photos of a living Phoenix bird “blew up” the Internet, but the truth about it was revealed unexpectedly

After a pleasant hot shower, it turned out to be an ordinary seagull, miraculously rolled in curry spices.

Doctors began to examine the bird and found out that she had no injuries, she was absolutely healthy and feels good.

Photos of a living Phoenix bird “blew up” the Internet, but the truth about it was revealed unexpectedly

The only reason she couldn’t fly was because of some spices. They got stuck between the feathers and just didn’t let the bird flap its wings.

The seagull was thoroughly washed and cleaned of spices, and she was again ready for high-flying flight.

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