This is great: a woman was crying over a dead dog, and all of a sudden she said that her paw twitched

While the woman was crying, the dog suddenly moved.

The woman was about to cope with a very cold day when she noticed a dog pushing the ground. Her body seemed rigid, and when the female bent down to touch her, she was icy. Assuming that the female was late, she mourned the bad pet that had to leave alone. But while the woman was crying, the dog suddenly moved!

The lady was so pleased that she wasn’t late yet, but she didn’t really have much hope. However, she took her to the nearest veterinary clinic to see if they could save her life. She named her pet Varya. The veterinarian got scared when he met Varya. Her core temperature was incredibly low, and her organs were also starting to shut down. She was also in a coma.

They began to conduct additional examinations, and also found that Varya had a brain injury, as well as a hip fracture. She needed to be transferred to a larger medical center that had state-of-the-art equipment. Varya will probably need surgery, but first she needs to be stabilized. Varya was so taken over all the time. With intravenous fluids, antibiotics, blood transfusions and painkillers, Varya finally got up.

Varya was saved and scheduled for surgery. Her savior offered her a big kiss and wished her good luck. Varya did a great job. She had to spend a couple of days in isolation in case of infection, but she still received a lot of love and attention from the medical facility staff.

A few weeks later, Varya was taken away to the woman who discovered her. She was so pleased to be in a big cozy house! Her new mother gave her all kinds of food for her to try, and Varya ate whatever she wanted. Finally she was ruined, as she deserved it!

Wait until you see how far Varya has actually gone, clinging to this cold puddle. By the end of the video clip, she is not only playing, but also smiling. Her tail wagging is amazing! Varya’s unrighteous life was left behind for the rest of her life thanks to a kind woman, as well as wonderful medical workers. Every life is precious and everything is possible with faith and love.

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