«This is why plastic surgery should be banned!» An ordinary girl transforms herself into a «freak» with big curves and huge lips

 «This is why plastic surgery should be banned!» An ordinary girl transforms herself into a «freak» with big curves and huge lips

People called me «ugly» and men didn’t notice me, so this is what I did! 😮🤫An ordinary girl spends thousands of dollars on plastic surgeries in order to find a boyfriend! 💵💉 She has changed beyond recognition after the incredible transformation whose recent photos you can see in this article! 👇

There are certain beauty standards that girls and women desire to meet. Whenever the public sees someone unusual-looking and non-standard, they are hit with a wave of criticism and judgements. The others, however, are proud of being distinctive and «not like the others».

Today’s article is about Serena Smith, a manager and singer from Toronto, Canada. People often left remarks about her plain look calling her «ugly» and «unattractive». Because of her complexes and insecurities, Serena decided on a radical transformation as a result of which she has changed beyond recognition.

«I used to feel very ordinary and unattractive, often overlooked and blending into the crowd. But now, my appearance commands attention, and men can’t help but notice me».

She has not only changed her face, but also her body. Now, Serena appears with noticeably bigger hips, breasts and no more seeks male attention. She, however, hasn’t stopped there and admitting having further plans.

Though her boyfriend Tyler holds the opinion that it is time to stop, Serena believes that there is no limit to perfection. She can no more stop and visiting cosmetology clinics has become a kind of an addiction or habit.

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