This was a real surprise: this woman could not find an engagement ring and this is what happened
A woman in England thought she lost her wedding ring forever.
Elayna Rattenbury, 38, from Worcester, UK, was surprised to find her diamond ring missing from her bedside table, where she placed it the night before.
At first, she was worried that she had been robbed, but quickly determined who the culprit was when she found a torn box of tissues on the floor.
Stevie, her beloved Labrador, has sneaked into the bedroom and taken charge of everything.
“It was a heartbreaking experience”, the woman said. “I looked at her [the dog] and thought to myself, ‘She doesn’t have it, does she?’” However, she was.
Elayna took her 7 month old puppy to the vet just to be sure, and her fears were justified. According to the X-ray, Stevie swallowed her mother’s priceless ring.
Of course, it was a huge relief for the woman to find out that the ring was gone, but now the question was how to get it back!
“After some investigation, the veterinarians felt that the ring was too far down”, the woman told METRO. “So the only solution was to let nature take its course and let the ring go through Stevie and out the other end”.
“My husband Dave even bought a metal detector to try and find it, and it finally showed up on the fourth day”, the woman added. “It required a good soak and cleanup”, she added.