This wonderful dog has a long way to go to get to the girl who saved her life

The young sergeant found a poor pup and decided to take her for herself.

A female soldier-Webb, during serving abroad, found a small puppy, unprotected from her peers. She decided to take care of the pup.

Puppy reached the girl who saved him, having covered thousands of kilometers

She gave name to puppy-Puppup. Webb tried to make the dog healthy she spent all her free time with the baby.

Then an order was issued to move home. And as luck would have it, the airline banned the transportation of animals by plane.

Puppy reached the girl who saved him, having covered thousands of kilometers

Webb had to part with her new friend, with whom she had a close, almost family relationship, just beginning to improve.

Puppy reached the girl who saved him, having covered thousands of kilometers

The people of organization “Paws of War” organized in such a short time that in such cases, having passed all the necessary veterinary quarantine procedures, organizes a flight of the dog to her owner.

It was even boring waiting for the plane. Soon the happy owner met her friend.

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