Touching scene: mother dog with puppies was waiting for her owner a few days after she was abandoned

The good news is that there are still impressive people with kind hearts.

Pets are men’s best friends, but many don’t think so. Every day, every hour, there are still many pets around us that are treated horribly. Some people in this world, on the contrary, are passionless, and what they do can be really wonderful, although not in a good way.

The good news is that there are still impressive people with hearts of gold on this planet. Immediately after the Mladeno dog shelter learned about the abandoned mother with newborns, they quickly jumped out onto the roadway.

It seemed that the small pet, as well as her dogs, had been ruthlessly abandoned on the side of the road a few days earlier. Some people did try to help, but the dog mom reduced the amount of food she was given, she even grumbled at them. obviously the dog was still waiting for its owner, and just the owner.

In fact, things didn’t go as well as the evil dog had hoped. She lay stubbornly for several days, but her master never returned.

When rescuers arrived, the situation really changed. The dog mom looked a bit clinically depressed. She approved of the help of the rescuers, and also took some extra food. maybe she realized the truth that she was actually completely abandoned. maybe she really gave up waiting.


“She was so sad… A young mother was abandoned with her babies near the street and stood in stagnation for several days. Her discomfort hurt our hearts. Some people are so cruel,” Pet Rescue Sanctuary Mladenovac wrote on YouTube.

After feeding the mother, the rescuers continued their inspection and found a total of 3 cubs, whose eyes were not even open yet. before leaving, the team did not forget to do some more digging to ensure that no more pet was left there.

The pet dog, later named Moli, and her little puppies were safely delivered to the Mladenovac Dog Rescue Center, where they can now live peacefully and walk around. I hope Moli and her children find a new home soon.

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