This man of two children explains why he’s not married to “just one woman”

 This man of two children explains why he’s not married to “just one woman”

This man explains why he’s not actually married to “just one woman”.

Today, the divorce rate has dropped for the first time in decades. After all, twenty years ago, 50 percent of marriages ended in divorce.

Many young couples seem to be coming to the realization that when you marry one person, you actually get about 10 different partners.

This is exactly the topic that was covered in a recent Facebook post by entrepreneur Dale Partridge, who explained on his Facebook page why he’s not actually married to “only one woman”.

Read Partridge’s touching words about the woman he married.

“Men are very worried that marriage will leave them with ‘only one woman’ for the rest of their lives”. But that’s really just not true”.


“I fell in love with a 19 year old rock climber, married a 20 year old animal lover, started a family with a 24 year old mother, and then built a farm with a 25 year old housewife, today I am married to a 27 year old wise woman”.


“If your mind is healthy, then you will never get tired of “one woman”. Don’t say “No” to marriage, say “Yes” and keep saying “Yes” until you die”.


Partridge, who is best known as a blogger and founder of the startup Camp, knows exactly what he’s talking about. He and his wife Veronica have a great life together and two wonderful children.


Partridge claims that, in fact, they were married (married) to many different people, while always being together.


We all change over the years, and none of us will claim that at 40 he is exactly the same person as he was at 20.


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