Unique boy: here is a talented 10-year-old boy becoming a real fine skater

 Unique boy: here is a talented 10-year-old boy becoming a real fine skater

If a person wants to achieve something, he will definitely do it.

Max Abramov is living proof that if you really want to do something, nothing can stop you.

At the age of 10, the Russian boy is already a talented skateboarder. This is quite an impressive achievement considering he only uses his arms and hands.

Max was only 6 months old when he was in a tragic accident caused by neglect. The baby’s bed caught fire in 2011, causing doctors to amputate both of his legs. Less than a year later, he was adopted into a new family in St. Petersburg.

When Max grew up, it became much easier for him to move around on a skateboard. But it wasn’t until one day he accidentally drove into a skate park that he realized he wanted to be a pro.

There he met a coach who encouraged him. After that, his mom suggested that he work with someone to hone his skills.

So, Max’s mom paired him up with coach Pavel Mushkin, who always pushes him to try new moves outside of his comfort zone.

With his help, Max learned to perform complex tricks. In fact, his talent has blossomed so much that he recently caught the attention of legendary skateboarder Tony Hawk!

In September, Hawke shared a video of Max exercising at a skate park on Instagram, calling the boy his “new favorite skater”.

The scream brought Max thousands of followers on the social platform, and they were all just as amazed at what he could do on a skateboard.

“After that, overnight, Max became a world celebrity,” Pavel said. A large number of fans, subscribers and just people wrote him private messages with the words “Max! My God! That is so cool!”.

Max was thrilled by all the attention, but more importantly, he hopes to compete in the Paralympics one day if skateboarding ever becomes part of the competition.

“I would really like to take part in the Olympics. I may not win, but at least I can participate. I would know what it’s like to skate with … professional skaters”, said Max.

With his passion and determination, we are confident that he will make this possible. And we don’t doubt for a second that he can win.

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