«Voldemort» then and now! This is what the absolutely unique girl looks like after a surgery

 «Voldemort» then and now! This is what the absolutely unique girl looks like after a surgery

Years ago a girl without a nose was born and shook the world by her arrival! 🧐😲People laughed at the little one and even called her a «monster»! 🤬😤The girl was born with a condition called Arhinia! ☹️😓Years have passed and see how she looks and lives in this article! 👇

Here is Tessa, a unique girl who was born with no nose. The rare condition she came into this world with is called congenital Arhinia which set her apart among all the others. Her incredible life story deserves our special attention.  Her arrival with such uniqueness came as a big surprise for not only her family, but the medical stuff.

The whole thing is that such an abnormality occurs very rarely. People around were wondering what was wrong with her and some even heartlessly called her a «monster» and «Voldemort».

It was during the 5-month ultrasound that her condition became known and left her parents in a terrible condition. Tessa needed immediate medical attention upon her birth and underwent cataract surgery still being a baby. At the age of 2 she underwent a significant procedure which paved the way for further surgeries.

She has always had to breathe with the help of her mouth and learnt how to live with her uniqueness. Her journey is about resilience and strong will-power.

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