What a unique story: for 25 years this Japanese diver has been friends with fish
It turns out that there is actually been a friendship between a diver and a fish.
No one will ever be surprised to learn that a dog or cat can be a person’s best friend for years to come. But I’m sure most of us would never think of the strong connection between man and fish.
It turns out that this friendship between a Japanese diver and a fish has been going on for over 25 years.
It all started when diver Hiroyuki Arakawa was assigned to guard the tori, the holy shrine of the Shinto religion.
The site has a special spiritual significance, so the man often had to go down to the sea to check the condition of the site.
The diver named the fish Yoriko. This is a special fish with which the diver has a special friendship.
It may seem suspicious, but these two always enjoy the time they see each other.
It turns out that fish can recognize people. According to research, the fish could distinguish between two human faces.