What an adorable meeting: the horse amazed everyone with his behavior when he first met a newborn

 What an adorable meeting: the horse amazed everyone with his behavior when he first met a newborn

The little girl had no idea that she was going to meet her future friend.

It’s so sweet because he couldn’t be more gentle. Jag’s owner introduced her daughter to the curious horse for the first time. She describes the horse as extremely gentle and mistakes it for a dog. This charming meeting took place on October 8, 2021 in Georgia, USA. The little girl had no idea that she was going to meet her future friend.

He even gives her a sniff to make sure his eyes don’t deceive him. No need to worry about the safety of the child. Mom should have known what she was doing when she introduced her adorable daughter to her beautiful horse. Jag is visibly taken aback.

In a few years, this little girl will grow up to be a strong girl who will ride Jag and spend time with her family from dawn to dusk. Horses have such an impact on people.

Horses come in a variety of sizes, colors and temperaments. These animals are complex, aloof, tense and sociable, just to name a few of the characteristics. It all depends on how you feel about it. If Jag is so warm and friendly, then all horses in mom’s care should also be curious and friendly.

Horses can live up to 30 years if properly cared for, so having a little girl on your back after a few years shouldn’t be a problem.

Infant development includes socializing and stimulating their senses so they can absorb the world around them. This little girl needs to learn how to ride a horse.

When it comes to a child’s contact with animals, people’s opinions often differ. Children born to families with pets have a lower risk of developing allergies and obesity. That is, if they come into contact with animals during the first few months at home. They are more of a companion than a pet. With proper training, the animal can be useful for children.

Horses are great childhood companions. Horses naturally appeal to children, making them a welcome alternative to watching TV, surfing the Internet, or simply “walking”. Horse riding connects children with nature and can be done alone or in a group.

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