What is this dress: after the divorce, wonderful Shakira was photographed in transparent clothes

 What is this dress: after the divorce, wonderful Shakira was photographed in transparent clothes

Shakira knows how to impress, and this time the singer has outdone herself.

Shakira is known for her catchy outfits. Every time a celebrity takes the stage, she amazes everyone with her appearance.

Despite the fact that many are already accustomed to the fact that Shakira knows how to impress, this time the singer has surpassed herself. She starred in the video of the English brand, where she demonstrated her new transparent dress.


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Her fans reacted positively to this image. Most users managed to write thousands of compliments to the singer.


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“Simply the best”, “This is called a revenge dress”, “She wants the ex to regret her choice”, “Flawless” and “Shakira is attractive,” the followers commented.

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