What this girl is doing: this ballerina with unusual forms has surprised everyone on the Internet

The life path of this woman is worthy of attention.

When you look at these photos of the heroine of today’s story, it’s hard to believe that a woman is doing ballet!

This curvy ballerina caused a real storm on the Internet: just look what she doesDespite the very impressive size, she has excellent grace and plasticity, and this combination of opposing qualities allows her to break stereotypes.

The life path of this woman is worthy of attention.

Iliana Vera lives in Austin, USA.

This curvy ballerina caused a real storm on the Internet: just look what she does

She was in love with dancing since childhood and started attending the classical ballet section at the age of six.

The girl showed great promise, but in adolescence she began to have problems.

Due to the peculiarities of the metabolism, the girl began to rapidly gain weight, so she had to quit ballet classes.

This curvy ballerina caused a real storm on the Internet: just look what she does

“I stopped fulfilling the demands of my mentors. And I realized that I would never become a prima ballerina, no matter how much I wanted to. It was a difficult decision, but I had to leave the ballet”, recalls Iliana about her past.

However, our heroine could not cross out dancing from her life. At the age of 18, the girl discovered the world of burlesque. It combined everything that Iliana liked so much: dance, music, fashion and the art of seduction.

The dancer began to increasingly use ballet technique in her performances, which delighted the audience.

This curvy ballerina caused a real storm on the Internet: just look what she does

Performing under the stage name Frostina Shayk, the woman gained immense popularity.

“I love the order and discipline required in ballet. In addition, I draw most of my postures, hand movements and gestures from ballet grace. Thanks to this, I feel strong and attractive,” says Frostina.

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