«Neck and hands give out age»: unsuccessful photos with Monica Bellucci showed how age has changed her beauty

 «Neck and hands give out age»: unsuccessful photos with Monica Bellucci showed how age has changed her beauty

Without filters, she is a fully regular woman.👀👀

Monica Bellucci has become the beauty standard for millions of men and even women. Her femininity and elegance won millions of hearts. Recently, a random video made by the paparazzi appeared on the Internet showing the changes in Bellucci’s appearance.

«It is already clear why Cassel chose a young woman», «The woman is no longer young as she was», «And how did you want her to look? She’s not young», «Neck and hands speak about age».

«She delights at any age», «Many would dream of looking like this at 60» and «She is quite an ordinary woman», «Bravo you are the best».

Do you love Monica Bellucci? What do you think a famous woman looks like in photos taken by paparazzi?

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