«Uncombed hair, deep wrinkles!» The latest outing of Tom Cruise stirred up controversy

 «Uncombed hair, deep wrinkles!» The latest outing of Tom Cruise stirred up controversy

Passers-by mistook the 1️⃣9️⃣9️⃣0️⃣s Hollywood «sex symbol» for a beggar during his recent outing! 😬😱Back then, girls went crazy about the «Top Gun» star, but now it takes courage to have a look at him! 🤐🧐«At least comb your hair!», «He completely let himself go»!💬 Check out the recent photos in this article!👇

For decades, T. Cruise has been among the most desirable and successful actors dubbed as «a sex symbol» and one of the most attractive men of the film industry. His «right» facial features, great physique and charisma have shaped him as one of the most popular men among girls and women.

Among his breakthrough roles are «Top Gun: Maverick», «Mission: Impossible – Fallout», «A Few Good Men» and many others which brought his acting career into a new level. While there have been rumors about him having undergone plastic surgeries, he has recently been spotted and looked far not his best.

He appeared with disheveled hair, deep wrinkles and looking utterly unrecognizable. Many rushed to double check his age hardly believing that the heartbreaker could turn into such an attractive senior man.

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