«Looking so good at 70 should be illegal!» Christie Brinkley is heating up social media with her recent beach pics

 «Looking so good at 70 should be illegal!» Christie Brinkley is heating up social media with her recent beach pics

At first sight, it is a 2️⃣0️⃣-year-old girl UNTIL she reveals her real age! 🤯 She was born back in 1️⃣9️⃣5️⃣4️⃣, can you believe? 🤔🤨 Here is an American model who featured hundreds of magazine covers! 😍👏 Someone remind her that she is 7️⃣0️⃣! 😉See the article and try not to double-check her age! 👇

One of the models who became successful and desired enough to feature more than 500 magazine covers is Ch. Brinkley. She has also worked as an actress, illustrator, designer as well as TV personality.

She has recently turned 70 being born back in 1954. Looking at her recent vacation photos makes it hard to believe that she is the same age as our grandparents and still makes hearts beat faster. The model shows that life after 60 only begins and age means nothing if one has a youthful spirit.

Once she showed herself in swimwear, everyone went speechless calling her a «forever beauty». Brinkley remains one of the oldest and most desired superstars who maintains a perfectly shaped body and her femininity seems beyond.

«Let me double-check her age!», «Getting old can look like this too!», «Like wine – only better with time».

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