A blue shiny bird with white underparts from which radiates a bright splash of crimson red

It is black from above and blue from below, with a red strip from chest to belly.

The black-belted flowerpecker (Dicaeum haematostictum) or a Visayan flowerpecker grinder is a forest bird that can be found on the plains and in lower mountainous areas.

This bird is black from above and blue from below, with a red strip from chest to belly.

This patch has a black edging from above. So, the bird is also known as the red -killed flower gum.

The voice of a black-skinned flower grinder consists of high sounds, as well as «Chick»! Notes that are more characteristic of the flower grinder.

The bird lives in the Philippines, where it lives on the islands of Panay, Negros, and Guimaras.

The black-belted flower pecker prefers tropical moist lowers at an altitude of up to 1000 meters above sea level.

He prefers basic and secondary forests, but they observed a visit to the cultivated fields and coconut plantations.

Nests are compact wallet-shaped structures hanging from bushes or trees with slots upstairs.

Made of plant material.

Such as lichen, dry flowers, feathers, tiny roots or grass lined with vegetable down.

Excrements of insects or other detritus are used to decorate some nests.

The average clutch size is two eggs, but you can lay up to four eggs.

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