After getting rid of the dog ring, the dog now works as a K-9 worker
The Throw Away Dogs Project saves the dog and turns it into a brave police dog.
Dogs are such good friends. We take great care of these kind animals.
But there are people who treat them badly. They can abuse dogs, make them suffer, and so on. This pit bull was also abused before he was rescued and became a service dog.
Nibbles joined the Craven County Sheriff’s Office. He escaped from a dogfighting ring in 2015 in Canada.
The Throw Away Dogs project rescues dogs by turning them into police dogs.
A pit bull recently became a service dog and was ready to help the community.
It’s great to have grace become part of this important work.
We hope Nibbles enjoys his new role of helping his manager find drugs. She’s happy now.
Thanks to the program, many dogs like Nibbles now have forever families – a very responsible job.