“Diamonds and exclusive clothes”. There is nothing impossible for the elder child of Beyonce

 “Diamonds and exclusive clothes”. There is nothing impossible for the elder child of Beyonce

Today we are going to show you one of the most capricious children in the world of show business.

Meet, please, Blue Ivy Carter the elder child of Beyonce and Jay-Z.

This little cutie has already achieved many awards in the music world. She even tried herself as an actor, musician, and singer.

Close friends of starring and glamorous family think that Blue is one of the most capricious girls in USA show business.

She wears clothes only from famous fashion boutiques. She receives diamonds and gold for each party. She has everything possible to have as a youngster.

We wish a healthy life to this girl’s parents. It ain’t easy to be the mega popular pop and hip hop star parents of this much famous girl.

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