How sweet it is: a man raised his adopted daughter and 16 years later she made him cry with happiness

 How sweet it is: a man raised his adopted daughter and 16 years later she made him cry with happiness

This adult, brutal man could not hold back his tears.

Jay Page’s relatives knew exactly how to make his birthday magical and unforgettable.

In the holiday tradition, Jay sat with his family and friends, opening one gift after another.

Man raised his adopted daughter as his own: after 16 years, she made him cry with happiness

Picking up a white rectangular box with a silver bow, he tried to guess what was inside.

Jay read the greeting card, then opened the box and saw a sealed envelope underneath.

As soon as Jay took some paper out of the envelope, he burst into tears. This adult, brutal man could not hold back his tears.

Man raised his adopted daughter as his own: after 16 years, she made him cry with happiness

As a birthday present, Jay received completely completed adoption paperwork, requiring only his signature.

Together with the signature, he and his wife were ready to present them the very next Monday, and this was of great importance to Jay.

Jay met Lisa, Celissa’s mom, when they were only 21 years old. Lisa says Jay was “definitely intimidated” at first by the prospect of fathering two-year-old Celissa.

However, over time, it turned out that Jay and Celissa are two identical couples.

Several years ago, the couple found out that Jay couldn’t have children of his own. So, as Lisa says, Jay and Celissa’s relationship was “a great blessing” for them.

Man raised his adopted daughter as his own: after 16 years, she made him cry with happiness

From childhood, Jay treated her like his own daughter, taught self-defense, swimming and driving.

Jay wanted to adopt her from the very beginning and has talked about it often in the past few years. But he always lacked neither money nor opportunity.

When Celissa turned 18, he lost all hope.

The adoption process is usually tedious and requires the prospective parents to spend a lot of money on a lawyer, determination and perseverance. But in the end, the effort pays off.

Man raised his adopted daughter as his own: after 16 years, she made him cry with happiness

Jay was so stunned that he just couldn’t stop hugging his daughter over and over again.

Later, when he recovered a little, he told his daughter: “I always think about two things: about your adoption and a possible marriage”.

Now that Jay is halfway through his plans, he can be sincerely congratulated!

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