Incredible friends: these cats soon became wonderful inseparable friends

Animals show how to comfort people in need and take care of them.

Animals have proven time and time again that they can teach us a thing or two about comforting and caring for people in need. During a thunderstorm, a beautiful photo of a cat hugging his new rescued friend has gone viral.

Noah the cat was supposed to have a stormy existence. The puzzled animal was found abandoned on the river bank by a canoeist, and luckily for him, his life was to change from then on. Soon the rescued kitten met his beloved sister, Emma Patricia. Great animal lover and wonderful person.

When her sister told her about Noah, Emma already had three other rescue cats in the house, but she can’t wait to expand her family. “During a canoe expedition, my little sister discovered Noah”, the woman told The Dodo.

After everything he’d been through, Emma knew it would take Noah some time to adjust to his new surroundings.

However, everything turned out to be much easier than she expected, because as soon as Noah entered his new home, Norman – one of Emma’s cats – provided him with all the help he needed.

“They like to be in close proximity to each other”, she explained. “They act like brothers”.

Norman and his new adoptive brother became inseparable almost immediately. Emma noticed that they shared an emotional moment the day before work.

A storm began, and Noah was afraid of thunder. His best friend, on the other hand, lets him know he’s there and sincerely reassures him.

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