It turned out better than in stores: the father created a comfortable bed for his son with his own hands

 It turned out better than in stores: the father created a comfortable bed for his son with his own hands

 A father created a bed for his little son with his bare hands.

Furniture for a children’s room is a rather expensive pleasure, which, in fact, is not available to everyone. Not all families can afford to buy furniture for their children. And this caring and creative father decided to create a bed for his son with his own hands.

First, dad made a plan-bed-house, then he went to buy boards, sawed them to the right size.

The next step is to assemble the main frame. The first thing to do was lay out all the details and then he got the basic structure. His son also took part in the process and constantly sought to help a caring dad.

Then we assembled the top and a place for the mattress.

Glory was hidden.

In the end, it turned out better than in stores.

Now the baby can sleep peacefully in his own comfortable bed.

What do you think?

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