Looks like a child: this is how a 32-year-old man lives in the body of a child

 Looks like a child: this is how a 32-year-old man lives in the body of a child

When he was 2 years old, his development completely stopped.

In India, there lives a unique man named Jaley Lindo, who is literally locked in the body of a small child.

Forever baby: see how a 32-year-old man locked in the body of a child lives

When he was 2 years old, his development completely stopped. Lindo, now 32, still looks like a toddler.

Jaley was born into a family of poor Indian farmers.

The boy’s mom and dad hoped that when he grew up, he would help them cope with the huge household. But when Jaley was 2 years old, a terrible thing happened – he simply stopped developing. Time passed, but Lindo still looked like a small child.

Forever baby: see how a 32-year-old man locked in the body of a child lives

The boy’s parents did not know how to help their son.

Of course, they turned to doctors, but they only “shrugged their shoulders”. Doctors have determined that Jaley is not developing either physically or mentally. Already at the age of 15, the boy’s intelligence was at the level of a 2-year-old child.

Jaley’s peculiarity was caused by a malfunction of the pituitary gland, which stopped producing growth hormones.

Forever baby: see how a 32-year-old man locked in the body of a child lives

Jaley is now 32 years old and still in the body of a child.

The height of the boy is only 84 cm, and the weight is about 10 kg. The parents take care of him. He is spoon-fed, bathed in a miniature bath and dressed in baby clothes.

They sincerely love their unusual child, but worry about his future fate. After all, who wants to take care of their child when they leave this world?

Forever baby: see how a 32-year-old man locked in the body of a child lives

Unfortunately, Jaylee has no chance of recovery. The specialists who treated him came to the same conclusion – Jaley will forever remain “the oldest child in the world”.

However, his parents do not lose hope that one day their boy will finally grow up.

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