Extremely good deed: a veterinarian walks the streets to help abandoned and lonely animals
This kind man decided to help abandoned animals. Kindness will save our planet. As long as there are good people and good deeds, we can hope that our
The mother leaves her baby: the newborn sloth is taken care of by the zoo staff
Fortunately, this poor baby is in a safe place and feel well. A visit to this zoo will amaze you and leave you with good memories. Some of
The pianist’s good deed: he plays piano for the blind and injured elephants
Pianist Paul Barton plays quiet classical music for elephants. Animals are very sensitive. A lot of the time in life, having various difficulties, they need to rest. Elephants
This beautiful bird releases smoke rings from its beak while singing
The photographer show us the beauty of the bird which sings and makes smoke. Sometimes photographers have to endure some difficulties, such as lightning, rain, etc. They may
This bear was enjoying the water while his friends were fishing
This giant bear bathed in water for 10 minutes before eating. Bears are as playful and mischievous as human children. But sometimes fishing is not their heart’s desire.
These little creatures, which are very few in the world, were photographed by a photographer
The endangered animals were photographed by nature artist Supreet Sahoo Some people think that white bats can only be albino. This is incorrect; there is a species that
The little elephant enjoys dirty water with great joy in hot summer
Here’s how this elephant cub enjoys muddy water. We, too, were kids who played a lot of fun games. In fact, animals like to play and fiddle around,
This kind and caring man was able to save the lion and give her a second life
This story proves that there is mutual love between wild animals and the people who care for them Lions are affectionate to people who love them. If a
This bird with the brightest colors looks like from a fairy tale
These little creatures amaze us with their beauty. Sometimes I wonder how nature uses several colors at once on several animals and birds without giving them a gaudy
The wolf returns to the forester with her cubs to thank him for feeding
The forester did not listen to anyone and did not stop feeding the dangerous wolf Wolfs are very dangerous. Thanks them, the environment remains clean. It was winter