This is great news: 35-year-old Rihanna will soon become the mother of her first child

 This is great news: 35-year-old Rihanna will soon become the mother of her first child

Singer Rihanna is one of America’s richest beautiful performers.

Rihanna can be said almost until recently was one of the popular bachelorettes in the country. But since 2020, everything is different for Rihanna: the girl is dating 33-year-old Rakim Mayers.

Вот это поворот! 35-летняя Рианна совсем скоро станет мамой первенца!Вот это поворот! 35-летняя Рианна совсем скоро станет мамой первенца!

The couple announced their relationship only last year, and after that Rakim even admitted that he has the most serious intentions for Rihanna and is ready for anything for her, and he also wants a child. And apparently, his wish came true, it became known that the couple was expecting their first child.

Вот это поворот! 35-летняя Рианна совсем скоро станет мамой первенца!

Rihanna’s fans were surprised when they saw the rounded tummy of the singer and without any doubt now it is known that they will soon have a baby! We heartily congratulate future parents, and probably no one will argue that Rihanna is very pregnant!

Вот это поворот! 35-летняя Рианна совсем скоро станет мамой первенца!

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