The care and ingenuity of this dog really helped his owner stay alive.
It was incredible to hear how the dog managed to save his owner’s life.
Officer Jeff Gonzalez was on patrol when a stray dog approached him. In fact, it was a different story. The dog tried to convince the man to follow him.
The officer finally went after the black dog from Germantown, Wisconsin.
It was a rather unusual behavior. Suddenly the dog stopped in front of the house. Now the man realized what was wrong.
On the porch lay a lifeless woman in pajamas. In fact, it was too cold outside.
The officer thought he was dead. Then he checked her pulse, and luckily the woman was alive. Gonzalez immediately called an ambulance.
Crystal was taken to the hospital. Her dog, John Boy, saved his owner’s life. After receiving medical attention, the woman recovered.
After the incredible incident, everyone was surprised by the dog’s heroism. He was not a trained dog, but a loyal friend.
We are glad Crystal is back home.
We’re also sure that John Boy will be spoiled with treats for the rest of his life. He deserves the best.
The dog takes the policeman so cleverly to his owner lying on the chair