The man pays 500 dollars for the dinner but she blocks him right after their first date and here is the reason why

 The man pays 500 dollars for the dinner but she blocks him right after their first date and here is the reason why

She sensed a red flag and blocked him everywhere after the first date. See what happened in this article!

Today’s story was shared by a woman who needed advice from network users. It has been not the first case that a woman shares her insights from her first date which is usually full of surprises.

The author of this story is a woman who had to block her future partner right after their first date. The man first asked her what her favorite restaurant was and she honestly answered despite the fact it was quite an expensive establishment.

However, she found it necessary to inform him that the dishes there were rather pricey and he could choose another option for inviting her. The restaurant she was talking about was Mexican with great food.

The man, anyway, determined to take the woman to that very restaurant in order to impress her and so that she could have nice time and genuinely enjoy the evening. The couple ordered appetizers, main courses and drinks. After all this, the turn came for desserts.

When they had already finished, the man asked whether she wanted to split the bill. In great surprise and confused, the woman explained that it was his idea to take her to a restaurant and he surely knew that the prices wouldn’t be so reasonable.

The man got angry, became somehow dangerous-looking and, having no other choice, agreed to pay for both of them. He then checked her card and exclaimed that he already knew her last name which seemed suspicious and dangerous to her.

She thanked him after the dinner, went home and blocked him everywhere. Later, she sent the man money for her part reminding him that she didn’t force him to go there and, instead, let him consider other options as well.

What are your thoughts on this?


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