They said to abandon the baby: this is how the girl with the ugliest appearance became an icon of people

This is how the ugliest girl in the world became the idol of millions of people.

“Just smile and be yourself!”

It is worth noting that only a few people on our planet suffer from this disease and this completely unique girl is often considered the ugliest girl in the world. That’s why she decided to change her life by becoming someone who inspires and motivates others to accept and love themselves.

“She definitely won’t be able to talk or walk”.

This amazing woman named Lizzy was born in an ordinary family on March 13, 1989. The birth of a girl was nothing but a phenomenon, because the doctors did not believe that she would be born and lead a healthy lifestyle. They all hastened to warn her parents that the child would probably not walk or talk and would need help from others.

And the family categorically refused to leave their poor baby, as they had one and the main goal – to save her life and take good care of her. The hospital even offered to write a refusal of the child, but the mother decided to take her home.

It all started as soon as the unique girl started attending kindergarten. There she learned that she was not really like the others.

Lizzy always asked her parents why others make fun of her and what is really wrong with her. In response, her parents told her that the only thing that made her unique was thinness, nothing more. They constantly urged the girl not to give up, always smile and live a happy life, not paying too much attention to other people’s opinions.

“Your fate is only in our hands and depends on you”.

It is worth noting that Lizzy has more than 800 thousand subscribers and more than 10 million views on social networks. She currently supports an “anti-bullying law”.

In 2015, a film about Lizzy was released, and it was more liked by those who also faced aggression and bullying. And in the same year, her book entitled “Do not be afraid to be kind” was published.

All the dreams of a charming girl came true, except for the cherished dream of getting married. And she does not stop hoping and believes that soon everything will work out.

Currently, Lizzy makes a living by speaking in kindergartens, schools and at conferences about the process of growing up, aggression and bullying. She advises parents to keep an eye on their children and ask them regularly if everything is okay.

Thanks to her strong and sensational messages, the girl is considered one of the few people who intend to change the world.

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