Time changes absolutely everyone: this is what famous celebrities looked like in the 90s and in these times

 Time changes absolutely everyone: this is what famous celebrities looked like in the 90s and in these times

This is what popular celebrities looked like during their first roles and now.

And now we want to share archival photos of world famous and successful movie stars taken during their first roles in the film industry, so let’s compare them with their current appearance. It is worth noting that time has power over absolutely everyone and not a single person, including stars, can avoid the aging process over the years.

K. Reeves (34 years difference)

U. Thurman (in the 90s and now)

The photo in the left was taken in 1970 and the right one in 2020. Though 50 years have already passed, Schwarzenegger remains the same handsome man.

Foster’s very first role

H. Phoenix in 1995 and in 2021 during the nomination for an Oscar

C. Diaz in 1994 and 2020

D. Lundgren in 1985 and currently

Van Damme in 1991 and now

B. Pitt in the 1990s and this year

T. Cruise (40 years difference)

Depp in his very first role and now

Jolie is actually the same feminine and charming woman

Leo DiCaprio (45 years difference in these photos)

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