Thinner than her 16-year-old daughter: newly haggard Jolie was caught by the paparazzi

 Thinner than her 16-year-old daughter: newly haggard Jolie was caught by the paparazzi

Angelina Jolie has lost a lot of kg and still cannot recover.

Angelina Jolie, after a divorce from her husband, lost a lot, she had a deep depression, the woman simply went into herself, against which she lost a lot of kg and still cannot recover. Initially, in rare pictures of the paparazzi, one could see how the legs became matches, the hands lost weight, and in general, Angelina did not look like herself in the prime of her career.

Худее 16-летней дочери. Вновь осунувшуюся Джоли застали папарацци

Later, the actress pulled herself together and seemed to be improving, she began to go to social events more and scored the right one. But in a recent photo of the paparazzi, where the actress was caught with her daughter Zahara, it can be seen that she lost weight again, and against the background of her completely normal daughter, she looked much thinner.

Худее 16-летней дочери. Вновь осунувшуюся Джоли застали папарацциХудее 16-летней дочери. Вновь осунувшуюся Джоли застали папарацци

Even the ankle boots show in the ankle area that they are big enough for her. We really hope that Jolie will soon return to normal and will finally take care of her health, this is definitely important for her and her fans.

Худее 16-летней дочери. Вновь осунувшуюся Джоли застали папарацци

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