Very caring dog: she does not leave her old owner for a second, to make sure that everything is in order with her

 Very caring dog: she does not leave her old owner for a second, to make sure that everything is in order with her

This dog is always beside her owner and even stands up when sees she is walking.

Meet Lollipop, a pit bull who got lost as a pup.

The car wash workers noticed her roaming the roads. These people played with her and fed her.

Attentive pit bull follows her grandma to make sure she is safe and protected

One day, a woman named Cathy stopped and asked about the dog.

The woman wanted to take the dog home. They agreed to this.

Attentive pit bull follows her grandma to make sure she is safe and protected

After the discovery of microchip information about Pit Bull, it turned out that no one was looking for her.

This woman did not want anyone to adopt a pit bull.

Attentive pit bull follows her grandma to make sure she is safe and protected

Cathy loved her. She immediately adopted her.

Now the dog is 3 years old. The pit bull is always next to her.

She needs to make sure her owner is safe.

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