What a cute scene: lovely rescue kitty always brings her “baby” blanket with her

 What a cute scene: lovely rescue kitty always brings her “baby” blanket with her

For an abandoned pet, life can be incredibly difficult.

Nothing compares to a mother’s love.

On the other hand, some of these sad little animals are lucky enough to find comfort and affection in the hands of caring strangers. Renly and his adoptive mother Sara Budzynowski are another example.

Sara used to work at Wilson Veterinary Hospital where they met. When he and his siblings got there, the little kitten was less than three weeks old. With the exception of Renly, all kittens were healthy.

Due to illness, this little one had to cut off the tail. Sara, on the other hand, thought he was wonderful and immediately fell in love with him.

She adored him even more because she planned to take him in as a foster child until he was adopted by a loving family. But the young woman had no idea that this would be the beginning of a beautiful love story.

“I took him home to be raised about a week after he had that part of his tail torn off, and the rest is history”, Sara told The Dodo.

Sara gave the lovely tiny furry bundle a towel and a stuffed bunny as soon as they got home.

Renly and his baby blanket are still together 10 months later. He is so devoted to his favorite item that he always carries it with him. Sara and her fiancé, Renly’s adoptive parents, are overjoyed to see him healthy.

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