What a family: a mother of 10 sons gets up at 5:30 in the morning and cleans the house 7 times a day

 What a family: a mother of 10 sons gets up at 5:30 in the morning and cleans the house 7 times a day

This unique woman can handle a dozen boys.

The hardest job is being a mom.

Load 24/7, no days off, no salary. There are many complaints and comments, and the load is such that not every strong man can handle it.

Mother of 10 sons gets up at 5:30 a.m. and cleans the house 7 times a day

Feed, buy, play, teach and educate, and also keep the house clean, cook food for everyone, wash, clean, iron things … There is very little time for myself.

What if you have 10 sons? And all active boys. This one woman can handle a dozen boys. Supermom talked about her responsibilities.

Alexis Brett is only 39 years old and has 10 sons.

Mother of 10 sons gets up at 5:30 a.m. and cleans the house 7 times a day

Many are horrified, but Alexis is happy and loves her children very much. The youngest son is only two years old, and the oldest is 17 years old.

How does this mother do all this? It is worth noting that Alexis is in great shape, well-groomed and beautiful. Husband David does not help her raise children.

My husband works a lot, he is a train driver, he is absent from home for a long time.

Mom gets up every morning at 5:30, regularly does makeup and a beautiful haircut. She then prepares breakfast for everyone and wakes up the children.

Mother of 10 sons gets up at 5:30 a.m. and cleans the house 7 times a day

Then she takes her sons to school and kindergarten.

She is already used to the routine, but the main problem is cleaning. A mother of many children cleans the house every day for several hours, collects all the toys of her sons and their clothes.

The woman reported that she vacuums 7 times a day and does laundry 35 times a week.

The only thing this mommy lacks is time for herself. She can’t even calmly take a bath, children constantly require her attention.

She really is a great mom!

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